Meet Our Team
The management team is exceptionally knowledgeable on all aspects of the school’s work. It is responsible for the conduct of its school, and must promote high standards of educational achievement at the school. It is the school’s accountable body. Members of the team are highly influential in providing it with strategic direction.
In addition to the full management team Solid Steps International School also has several sub-committees. Through the committee structure, the team members ensure that there is a systematic and robust review of the effective delivery of all statutory requirements so that the school complies with its statutory responsibilities.
The school management team is composed as follows:
ChairmanMr Okpor, A.O.

Proprietress and Director of StudiesMrs Okpor, J.I.
Executive DirectorMr Okpor, Azuka
Bursar and AdministratorMrs Mogbolu, G.K.
HOD (Basic Classes)Mrs Ugboma, L.N.
HOD (Nursery Classes)Mrs Overy, M.C.